Enabling/Disabling Commands and Groups

To disable a group, select the group you wish to disable and press Ctrl+D. The group text and the text for all of the commands in the group should be grayed out and have the text "Disabled" appended. You can also disable a group by right clicking on the group and selecting 'Disable' from the group context menu that pops up.

To enable a group, select the group you wish to enable and press Ctrl+E. If text for the group name and all of the commands in the group should now return to their original state (i.e. not grayed out and without the "Disabled" text). You can also enable a group by right clicking on the group and selecting 'Enable' from the group context menu that pops up.

Individual commands can also be enabled/disabled using the same shortcut keys that were used to enable/disable groups. Press Ctrl+D to disable a selected command and Ctrl+E to enable a selected command.

Command groups can also be enabled/disabled by remote control. Please view the Vectir control topic to learn how to remotely enable/disable command groups. This can be very useful when you wish to use the same remote control to control multiple applications.